Joy-Filled Relationships

This Resource is Used in These Alive & Well Courses:
Immanuel Lifestyle
We all have friends, co-workers, significant others, and family members. Some we enjoy. Some we don’t. Some lift us up when they are around. Others can cause us to feel confused, hurt, angry or ashamed. This book takes a closer look at what makes some relationships joy-filled, and others difficult.
In this book you’ll find answers to questions like, “How can I keep my cool with someone else when the emotions get intense?” If you struggle with having joy-filled relationships, good news!
A lot of what it takes to relate well with others you can learn through skills and exercises taught in this book. You’ll learn what it takes to have conversations and supportive relationships with others that are filled with joy instead of pain. You’ll learn healthy ways to handle your internal battles with your emotions of anger, hurt, frustration and shame.
Chapter topics include:
Building joy -- both on your own and with others
Calming yourself when your emotions get high
Reconnecting with others after you have had a conflict
Handling others' words that cause you to feel shame
Maturing emotionally -- how it looks and how you can get there
Relating to others as God designed our brains
Dealing with destructive thought and behavior patterns
Sorting through your thoughts and emotions about what others say about you
Learning how to apply God’s truths about your identity to your life and relationships