Joy Starts Here
The Transformation Zone

This Resource is Used in These Alive & Well Courses:
Level 1 Journey Group, Level 2 Journey Group, Joyful Community, Immanuel Guide Training
Joy! From the moment we’re born we search for it but always seem to come away empty. What is it? How can we get it? Is it even possible?
Authors E. James Wilder, Ed M. Khouri, Chris M. Coursey, and Shelia D. Sutton take us through the exciting steps of finally being able to find real joy in our lives. Real joy is attainable; it is able to be grown and cultivated. When real joy is found, it can change families, schools, churches, and the world.
Arguably the most important book written on this topic, this could be the beginning of a joyful revolution, a new way of life for us all. Joy Starts Here!
Joy means we are glad to be together. Smiles appear and people's faces light up. Joy, when shared, produces strong bonds and loving relationships. The painful absence of joy leaves us disconnected, dry, even depressed. We crave joy for our relationships. When your group builds joy, transformation happens!