Relational Skills in the Bible

This Resource is Used in These Alive & Well Courses:
Level 1 Journey Group, Level 2 Journey Group
This fun, flexible, eye-opening Bible study focuses attention on what matters most in life: relationships!
The desire to have vibrant, life-giving relationships is universal; all of us want our relationships to be happy and healthy. Sadly, many of our relationships are stressed, strained, and even broken. The skills needed to repair, restore, and strengthen relationships are underdeveloped or missing. Where can we find the answers to the skills we need?
This study takes you through the pages of Scripture to see relationships as never before. Your group will journey through the Bible together and look at relational skills from well-known characters like Adam and Eve, Abraham, Jacob and Esau, Peter, the early church, and more, giving you a fresh perspective from Genesis to Revelation.
As you discover these relational skills, you will be inspired to build them into your own life, and begin that process through the exercises with your group. The thrill of growing in your own skills will only be outdone by the experience of the joy-filled, thriving relationships you have always wanted.