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The Bridges of Chara

an allegory of your brain's emotional landscape

The Bridges of Chara

This Resource is Used in These Alive & Well Courses:

Immanuel Guide Training, Immanuel Lifestyle

The Bridges of Chara: an allegory of your brain's emotional landscape is a story about a young woman who winds up on the island of Chara. Chara is the Greek name for "Joy", and everything on Chara feels like joy. She soon discovers that there are other islands nearby that she must learn to travel to- islands like fear, anger, sadness, disgust, and hopeless despair. She quickly discovers that these are important, valuable places to visit, but they are not good places to call home! Journey with her and discover life on Chara, life stuck and stranded away from Chara, and finally how to build bridges back to Chara and make a home there! Includes 6 weekly small group discussions and a "scientific breakdown" in the back for those that want to know more.

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