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The Pandora Problem
Facing Narcissism in Leaders and Ourselves

This Resource is Used in These Alive & Well Courses:
Level 1 Journey Group, Joy in Challenges, Joyful Community
There is hope for narcissists. Are you ready to open the box?
Most of us are scared to death to lift the lid on the Pandora’s box of narcissism. Dealing with predatory people leaves us intimidated, scared, and hopeless.
In this groundbreaking book, Dr. E. James Wilder rips the cover off the dreaded box and gives us a clear view of both the problem and the surprising solution. Dr. Wilder offers us a new paradigm that moves us away from the individualized therapy model toward the need for identity groups that help each other learn how to love our enemies.
You’ll be highlighting insights in nearly every paragraph as you make your way through this fresh approach to a very old problem.
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