Understanding the Wounded Heart

This Resource is Used in These Alive & Well Courses:
Level 1 Journey Group
The world wounds us, the devil lies to us, we vow never to let it happen again and we spend our lives picking the fruit of our wounds.
It doesn't have to stay this way.
This book introduces a simple model for understanding the wounded heart and offers practical, transferable tools for experiencing God’s healing and transformation. These tools help people experience healing: building joy, taking thoughts captive, forgiveness, and listening prayer.
Understanding the Wounded Heart builds on the core model taught at Deeper Walk of wounds-lies-vows-strongholds.
NOTE: This is the 2nd Edition and has been revised and expanded. New material has been added, a new Personal Journaling section is at the end of each chapter, and a discussion guide is included making the book a fabulous small group resource.