All of our guides use the Alive & Well approach to Immanuel Prayer.
If you are interested in receiving an Immanuel Encounter Guide session,
please see the list below and email the guide directly.
Appointments and payment are independently handled.

Please note: pursuing an Immanuel Encounter Session is voluntary. It is not counseling in any form. Alive & Well, Inc. will not be held responsible for any interaction with a listed guide or any outcome of a Immanuel Encounter guide session. Each individual must take full responsibility for their own life, health, and wellbeing.

Journey Groups
Do you love leading small groups? Are you invested in bring others closer to Jesus and one another?
Consider leading a Journey Group. It's so much more than a small group that studies together; it's a life-changing micro-community that brings healing, growth, and transformation. For more info, click the button below or if you're ready, fill out the interest form.
Immanuel Encounter
Love the idea of building relationship one-on-one? And letting Holy Spirit drive the meeting?
Make sure you've taken an online IE Lifestyle Course in the last two years, and sign up for the IE Guide Training. If you have further or more specific questions, feel free to use the button below to send us an email.
Monthly Giving
Every contribution counts!
A small monthly donation can make a big impact! Your support helps us continue our vital training programs and empowers our leaders to shine. No matter the size of your gift, its regularity allows us to plan, promote, and enhance our programming for everyone. Join us in making a difference today!
Let's Work Together to Change Lives!